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Orwell George (*25.06.1903 - †21.01.1950)


Animal Farm /Farma zvířat/ - anglicky

Tired of their servitude to man, a group of farm animals revolt and establish their own society, only to be betrayed into worse servitude by their leaders, the pigs, whose slogan becomes: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
This 1945 satire addresses the socialist/communist philosophy of Stalin in the Soviet Union.


Eric Arthur Blair, known by his pen name George Orwell, was born in June 25, 1903 in Bengal. After finishing his studies in India he moved to London to work as a journalist. He was an English writer, his most important novels were Animal Farm and 1984. His works are antiutopistic, he critisises fascism and communism (himself being a socialist). He died at 1950, aged only 46 years.


Manor Farm is a farm in England, held by Mr. Jones. One day, all animals from the farm get together and one old pig, named the Major, speaks to them. He says that they should rise up and expel Jones and all the people. After that, they can rule for themselves and work less.

The animals like his idea, force Jones and his family leave the farm, and the pigs announce that the farm should be renamed as the Animal Farm. They set the rules, known as Seven Commandments, for example "all animals are equal", but the sheep can't remember it all, so they only learn to repeat on and on the line "four legs good, two legs bad", which means that people are enemies, whereas animals are friends.

Then the animals started working at the farm. Everyone worked equally, the pigs maybe a little less. When little puppies were born, Napoleon (one of the pigs), took them aside to raise them himself. The life on the farm went good, animals were happy to live their own way.

One day, Snowball (another pig) got an idea of building a windmill to supply the farm with electricity, to improve their lives. Napoleon disagrees, but the animals like it and Snowball starts with the plans. Once they are finished, Napoleon suddenly appears with dogs (grown up puppies) and chase Snowball away. Napoleon declares Snowball an outcast, and from this moment, everything bad, that happens on the farm, is (as the animals think) Snowball's fault.

Despite all of this, Napoleon continues in Snowball's plans for the windmill.
Life on the farm slowly changes. The animals work harder and harder, they're often cold and hungry. The pigs, on the contrary, start adopting the lifestyle of humans, they eat a lot, drink alcohol, sleep in a bed...

The windmill is twice destroyed and rebuilt and at last it's working, but not to supply the animals with hot and cold water, but to make money for the pigs. Whenever any animal has doubts, Squealer (one of the pigs) makes them think whatever Napoleon wants him to.

Years pass, pigs are growing fat, start walking on their hind legs, wear clothes and carry whips.
One day, Napoleon invites some farmers from the neighborhood to show them, how he runs the farm. They accept pigs as humans and the farm is renamed back to Manor Farm.

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Zdroj: kiki979, 01.02.2014


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George Orwell - Animal Farm /Farma zvířat/ - anglicky

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